Another repertoire method example from Concrete Mathematics
This is my third post on the repertoire method. This method seems quite magical (or perhaps that means I don’t fully understand it 😅). In this case I am refe...
This is my third post on the repertoire method. This method seems quite magical (or perhaps that means I don’t fully understand it 😅). In this case I am refe...
In Concrete Mathematics (Graham, Patashnik, Knuth) I am working my way through page 36 about sums of sums. Specifically the “rocky road” (yum) method for sw...
The solution I found to my particular case of “Error: Unreadable module directory” when using Terragrunt.
This concerns the paragraph just before equation 2.9. I will quote it here
As with most of my posts on Concrete Mathematics this is a more verbose outline of the repertoire method in section 2.2. It explains how to find the closed f...